
I Am Beautiful Global, Inc.

In 2016, NGWCC merged with I Am Beautiful Global (IAB). IAB will serve as a division of NGWCC  for girls, pre-teens, teens and young women ( ages 11 through 24). 

The Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research: A Women and Girls of Color Initiative
​​NGWCC joined The Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research: A Women and Girls of Color Initiative. The collaborative, an initiative of the White House Council on Women and Girls, was announced during a November 2015 summit co-hosted by the Anna Julia Cooper Center at Wake Forest University. The collaborative noted that women of color will constitute “more than half of all women in the United States by 2050,” yet research focusing on the unique challenges of women and girls of color is limited which created the need to take action.

Members commit to share, improve, collaborate and support research that advances women and girls of color over the next five years. According to the collaborative, over 40 organizations representing colleges, universities, publishers, non-profit organizations among others have joined the collaborative and collectively have committed more than $60 million to research initiatives.